real estate

housing market Navigating Interest Rates & Elections: Real Estate Insights Whether you’re a homeowner, investor, or simply someone keeping an eye on financial trends, understanding interest rate predictions is crucial. Many people are wondering what to expect in interest rates and how they intertwine with the real estate market, especially in the context of an election year.   Real Estate Market Dynamics in an Election […]
buying 8 Key Steps for Homebuyers to Navigate the Journey to Homeownership Prepare to Purchase Your Dream Home: Identify Your Housing Needs and Wants: Create a list of must-haves and preferences for your future home. Consider factors such as location, size, number of bedrooms, and proximity to schools or workplaces. Select a Professional Real Estate Agent: Enlist the services of a reputable and skilled real estate agent […]
real estate “Timing” The Market It’s the age old question, and the one I get at every listing appointment as well as when I am out and about. When is the best time to list? In the world of real estate, timing is often considered an art form. From listing your home to navigating market complexities, understanding the ebb and […]
buying Investing In a Green Home Will Pay Dividends In 2019 As we step forward into 2019, eco-friendly “green homes” are more popular than ever. Upgrading your home’s sustainability improves quality of life for those residing in it, but it is also a savvy long-term investment. As green homes become more popular, properties boasting sustainable features have become increasingly desirable targets for homebuyers. Whether designing a […]
real estate Local Market Update – September 2018 The number of homes for sale in August increased dramatically over the same time a year ago. This is the result of a moderate increase in new listings and a much slower pace of sales. Homes are staying on the market longer, giving buyers more choices and more time to make an informed decision. While […]
real estate The Gardner Report – Second Quarter 2018 The following analysis of the Western Washington real estate market is provided by Windermere Real Estate Chief Economist Matthew Gardner. We hope that this information may assist you with making better-informed real estate decisions. Economic Overview The Washington State economy added 83,900 new jobs over the past 12 months, representing an annual growth rate of […]
housing market Are We in a Housing Bubble? As home prices in King County have reached record highs, some people are wondering whether we are approaching another housing bubble. While it’s true that home prices here have surpassed the last peak hit during the housing bubble, that doesn’t mean we are in bubble territory today. The last bubble was fueled by faulty mortgage […]
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real estate Buyer Pre-Inspections: Seattle Home Buyers Paying For Inspections Before Writing Offers The Seattle real estate market is Hot, Hot, Hot – home inventory is scarce, and buyers are plenty.  Home sellers will likely find they’re in the catbird seat. Unlike in years past, sellers have more options at their disposal – and one of the most common strategies, is encouraging all buyers to perform (and pay […]
real estate 10 Perks For Owning A Home Buying a home may be the American dream, but it’s also a monumental task: You have to clean up your credit, apply for a mortgage, scrape together a down payment, and then move all your worldly possessions in after you close on the deal. Phew! So then why do millions of Americans go through the […]
bellevue 3 Things That Sell a home Fast No matter how much you love your home, sooner or later there may come a time when you want to sell and move on, but what are the 3 things that can speed up a sale?       How to sell a home fast While many factors that affect how long it takes to sell […]
broker August Perspectives The housing market and economic climate of today are very different from the conditions that led to the housing bubble in 2007. Nobody can predict what’s going to happen with 100% certainty, however we do have answers to these 4 things!   
bellevue Western Washington Housing demand is still exceeding supply.  The low inventory has kept the market in an upward appreciation trend.  Find out what the average days on market is, as well how much home prices have risen since 2015.       ECONOMIC OVERVIEW Washington State continues to see strong employment growth, outpacing national numbers with an […]
broker How the Neighborhood Impacts a Home’s Value Online home guesstimates are just that. They are guesstimates! Besides a knowledgable agent, here are 9 items that also impact your homes value.        Whether you’re buying or selling, accurately pricing a home requires professional assistance from someone who knows the neighborhood.    The “estimated” home prices you see posted online can be […]
bellevue Hot Market, Maybe It’s Your Turn To Sell Despite increasing prices, there is intense competition among buyers because inventory is at all-time lows. That means multiple offer and bidding wars, increasing the likelihood that your home will sell above your asking price. The median price of a single family home sold in King County in February was $514,975, a whopping 20% increase over a year ago. The […]
bellevue The Cost of Waiting Are you buying a home this year??          Windermere Eastside in Local Market News, Statistics April 21, 2016  The Cost of Waiting All of the latest statistics are pointing to a seller’s advantage right now. But are there still benefits for buyers in this market? Absolutely. Some potential home buyers may be hesitant to start their […]